Baptisms are celebrated on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month at 12.00 noon, and also the 4th Sunday of the month during the 11.00 am Mass. To book a Baptism, please contact Anna Demetriou on 03 5222 1977. Anna is available Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 9.00 am to 4.30 pm.
You will be required to attend this meeting which is held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, 7.00pm to 8.00pm, at the Parish Office, 150 Yarra St, Geelong.
If you live outside of the boundaries of St Mary's Parish, written permission MUST be provided by your local Parish Priest/or Parish Baptismal coordinator BEFORE a booking can be accepted. It is, of course, preferable that Baptisms are held in the Parish Faith Community where the child or adult baptismal candidate lives.
A small decorated candle and a stole are necessary items for the baptismal ceremony. These items can be purchased from the St Mary's Parish Piety Stall. Located inside the entrance of the Basilica, the Piety Stall is open Monday - Friday 10.30am - 1.00pm, and Sunday 10.15am to 12.15 pm (closed on Saturdays).
While there is no "charge" for the Sacrament of Baptism, it is expected that a total contribution of $200 is made to the Parish for the Baptism of one child in the family $300 for two children in the family. This offering is in support of the Parish.
Baptism is the beginning of the faith development of your child. It is not "a little piece of magic". Therefore the practical example and support of parents is critical if the Sacrament is to be fruitful. If you are not attending Mass on a regular basis, the Baptism of your child creates a perfect opportunity for you to re-assess the value of the Catholic faith for you personally, and what you will be offering your child for their faith growth.
A Godparent is a "sponsor", therefore should be a member of the organisation which the child is joining. The Godparents' role is to support the child in the development of the Catholic faith. Therefore, one Godparent MUST be a fully initiated Catholic. It is most desirable and appropriate that Catholic Godparents be people who attend Mass regularly. All Godparents who are not of the Catholic Faith should be baptised in a Christian denomination. The child needs at least one Godparents - two is usual and acceptable.